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The DHR added a new achievement to its innovation record by obtaining intellectual property certificates for five innovative systems and work models already in place for improving HCM practices and processes and keeping up with local, national, and global trends in terms of proactivity, resilience, and readiness for the future as part of its efforts to achieve its strategic goal “Establishing a culture of high performance and creating a work environment that supports creativity and excellence.” H.E. Dr. Mohammed Abdullatif Khalifa, General Manager of the DHR, stated that intellectual property registration of such systems helps promote a culture of trust and transparency, encourages employees to apply their creative abilities, and enhances customer experience by providing high-value services and promoting employees’ quality of life. The Department applied for the official registration of its latest systems at the Ministry of Economy as culmination of its achievements. This step will guarantee legally protecting the intellectual property rights of the Department to be used as a reference by other entities in their organizational development processes. Registered systems include: 1. Human Capital Optimization System: which aims to improve the investment of surplus human capital and redirect it to support government operations. 2. Remote Work System: a work model that allows employees to perform their job duties from a remote location outside the work premises. 3. Job Sharing System: a flexible job alternative that allows for dividing one job into two partial jobs to support the efforts of talent acquisition and development, and to give jobseekers the opportunity to build their experience. 4. Organizational Citizenship: an organizational loyalty program based on the sound investment of available human resources by qualifying and preparing them to work on assignments, projects, or initiatives to meet recruitment needs or gaps at other organizational units in various circumstances regardless of the current job or organizational status of the employee. 5. Job-Skills Matching Indicator: an effective and advanced tool to give an overall view of a candidate’s level and their suitability to fill a specialized or supervisory position in terms of personality, abilities, professional and leadership potential, and excellence factors to ensure selecting the best candidate and increasing the chances of job success.

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